

Vitamins can impact your mental healthy, physical health, your sleep brain function and other bodily functions.
Taking time to really acknowledge and highlight specific issues with our physical and mental health allows us to step back and create new and improved habits.
We always recommend reviewing your diet before suggesting supplements and like to know that supplements are there for us as a backup, if needed.
92% of the US population have some kind of vitamin deficiency
Here’s a few small changes and interesting facts to keep you on top of your vitamin levels and feeling your best.
Taking time to really acknowledge and highlight specific issues with our physical and mental health allows us to step back and create new and improved habits. Here is how taking the time to acknowledge vitamin deficiencies will help you:
  • Vitamins can increase your energy levels
  • They reduce stress and anxiety
  • They help boost the immune system
  • They improve short term memory
  • Studies show that people who get their vitamins from food rather than pills live a longer life
Many people aren't aware of how vitamin deficiency symptoms can present themselves. Understanding the signs can help prevent symptoms worsening.
Signs of vitamin deficiency
Without sufficient levels of vitamins, your body would no longer be able to properly function, yet it is so easy to miss the symptoms.
  • Mouth ulcers or cracks in the corners of the mouth
  • Bleeding gums
  • Poor night vision and white growths on the eyes
  • Scaly patches and dandruff
  • Hair loss
  • Struggling to sleep
  • Feeling fatigued
Avoiding common vitamin deficiencies
Here are four of the most common vitamin deficiencies and how to ensure you are getting plenty of these nutrients.
  • When you think of calcium most people automatically think of dairy produce. However for some, dairy is not an option. Other ways you can get calcium is through vegetables such as kale and broccoli. Supplements are of course available however we recommend focusing on your diet first as some research shows it could increase the risk of cardiovascular disease in men if having too much.
  • Why is omega 3 important for men? Omega 3 helps improve brain & heart health as well as the rate of exercise recovery. This is excellent for men with sore muscles, recovering from injuries or taking part in a lot of physical exercise.
  • Magnesium is another vitamin which you can get from a healthy diet. Tuck into some nuts, whole grains and leafy veg for an easy magnesium boost.
  • We get Vitamin D from sun exposure. It’s said that you only need 5-30 minutes of sun exposure per day to get your full vitamin D intake.

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