Why, The Y Code?
I founded The Y Code after I realized there was a shockingly disparaging gap between men’s needs and the products offered in the wellness/grooming/beauty arena.
I decided to confirm my epiphany with research and algorithms, and it aligned with my instincts and vision: men are highly underrepresented in the skincare and wellness industry.
I found that many men like myself had to navigate beauty counters designed for women to find products that suited our needs. Despite the wealth of beauty offerings for women, skincare for men just wasn’t a priority, and it was clear that brands were unwilling to provide what they needed. I had to ask myself, “Why are we left out?”
The answer was simple: women dominate the beauty market and drive such significant revenue that brands did not feel the need to innovate from the ground up for men.
But for me, there were so many things missing. Like a cool, intentional product that could address the little-known fact that men have different PH levels and we lose collagen earlier than women - these crucial differences, along with the fact that men largely want entirely different outcomes from products, weren’t even part of the conversation. The packaging, too, left much to be desired, leaving men feeling underwhelmed and forgotten.
The Y Code is all about setting a new standard in Men’s Skincare and we invite you to join us on our journey as we disrupt and transform the industry.

Freddie Sheridan
CEO & Founder